martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

At home or in cinema?

In the history, the films has become in an excellent way to pass the time. With the development of this art, the movies are being made with excellent specials effects, great stories and professional actors. This facts has improved the qualities of the films and the people feel the need of go to cinema to watch movie because this is a form of change the routine.

On the other hand, the technological advances has permitted that the films arrived to our homes, because is possible buy this in some store or in the street. This situation changed the mode of watch movies. Probably you have asked yourself about the differences or advantages of watch a movie at home or in a cinema. Actually, this is a great dilemma because today the people can find movies in any traffic light and it isn’t very expensive.

A few days ago, I was in my car and a person move toward me and said I have the movie Perro Come Perro and is cheap. I can’t understand how these guys get this film if it isn’t yet in the theaters. The ilegal buy of movies in the streets, is an importan fact that people prefer to watch movies at home becausego to the cinema is more expensive that the films. In addition, the home offers the house offers comfort, not preocupation, not spend money and you can watch a film with the family.
However, if you decided to go to a cinema, maybe you will see the high prices of the tickets. More over, I think that with the money that you can spend there in food, you might eat for all the week. But, also is true that the cinema offers the best feelings for persons. Sound, images, the feeling of realism are aspects that differentiate the cinema to see a movie in home. Is possible to enjoy of the special effects and the development of the story.

Finally, I considered that when the film has great special effects and a good sound, and if is the premiere of a movie is better go to the cinema than watch at home. Nevertheless, I think that the home offers other important aspects. But I advice that a good solution is alternate these things. One day go to the cinema and other day maybe watch the film at home. Obviously is essential that you never buy illegal films.

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